Fifteen years of regular printmaking classes for further education adult learning.
Workshops, Day Courses, Talks/Demonstrations, Print Sales, Workshop Vouchers.
Join the mailing list to receive the most up to date information. You can also phone or email me with enquiries.

As well as workshops and courses held in our regular Chichester venue, we can deliver talks with demonstrations, workshops and courses for your group or organisation, at your venue.

One Day Courses at the Workshop Hall in Chichester
Focusing on specific print techniques -
on Thursday’s, selected dates 9.30am - 4pm
Places Available
Reserve your place now, and pay later

In line the Governments current ‘Covid-19 Secure Guidelines’, we have made changes to how the print workshops operate. You can find further details in the workshop pages.
Regular Print Workshops in Chichester.

Join the mailing list to receive the most up to date information. You can also phone or email me with enquiries.