Talks and Demonstrations

Workshops and Courses

delivered at your venue

For Art Groups, Societies, organisations -

Talks and Demonstrations

Workshops and Courses

delivered at your venue

Art Groups, Societies, organisations -

Talk with Demonstration approx 2 hours

£200, plus mileage @45p per mile

An illustrated talk in the first half, which covers my art practice, with examples of my prints and methods of working. I also describe my background and upbringing with my father John Dyke who was a Ladybird Books illustrator and children's book author.
The second half is a practical demonstration - 
Either relief block cutting and printing with wood or lino. 
Or intaglio printmaking using drypoint, or collagraph method. 

One day workshop teaching fee £250, plus mileage @45p per mile

Additional materials charge per participant depending on method/technique requested, and maximum class size, please enquire.

Usually 10am - 4pm

Suggested workshop: Introduction to relief block printing - learn to design, cut a design on wood or lino, and print onto a selection of printing papers.

(Travel distance approx 35 miles/ 1 hour journey time)